PSA IV-A conducts Labor Force Survey and Annual Poverty Indicators Survey this July 2024

Starting 08 July, the Philippine Statistics Authority Region IV-A begins the conduct of the July 2024 Labor Force Survey (LFS) and 2024 Annual PovertyIndicators Survey (APIS). The two surveys will run until 31 July 2024. Approximately 2,112 households in the region will be visited for this undertaking.


PSA IV-A Regional Director Charito C. Armonia encourages all sample households to cooperate with the statistical researchers who are assigned to collect the data for the information to be gathered are essential as basis for program and policy implementation.


The data to be gathered include the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population, levels and trends of employment, unemployment, and underemployment for the country and for each of the regions. Meanwhile, the 2024 APIS aims to establish a quantitative framework for planning and policy formulation concerning the labor market, as well as providing estimates for non-income poverty indicators.The publication of the results for the LFS is scheduled for release in September 2024, and for the APIS in December 2024.


For any concerns or inquiries about this undertaking, email at or contact PSA Region IV-A at (043) 781-2437 local 103.
